Researcher biography

Paul Jensen is a research leader in the areas of anaerobic biotechnology and resource recovery at ACWEB; and leads projects in the areas of waste treatment with a focus on recovery of renewable energy resources, production of bio-fertilizers, bio-plastics and other high value products from wastes and other low value raw materials.

Complex challenges require multi-disciplinary thinking and Paul's team incorporates engineering, biological sciences, modelling and information processing approaches to research and technology development for a range of partners across municipal, agricultural, animal and industrial sectors.

Paul and ACWEB are recognised as both national and global experts on biogas and resource recovery technologies. They actively contributes to over 12 research and consulting projects per year with applications across the product development cycle. Importantly, the team are having real world impact, and have contributed to a range of major wastewater infrastructure projects in the last 5 years.

Featured projects Duration
Waste to protein: developing a sustainable feed base for agriculture using novel single cell protein biotechnologies
Australian Meat Processor Corporation
Linking biological processes to solids behaviour and performance in anaerobic lagoons
Melbourne Water Corporation
Algae Bacterial Aggregated Flocs (ABAF) for wastewater treatment and algae production industries
Advance Queensland Industry Research Fellowships
Waste-to-Profits: Technologies for nutritionally advantaged feeds
Meat & Livestock Australia
Wastes to Profits: Advanced Anaerobic Digestion
Meat & Livestock Australia
Waste-to-Energy: fuelling sustainable wastewater treatment with food waste
Fight Food Waste CRC
Revolutionising sludge management turning costly waste into a safe product
Queensland Urban Utilities
Transforming Regional Treatment in Australia - A CRC-P Project
Queensland Urban Utilities
Biosolid flow, separation and activity in anaerobic lagoons
Australian Research Council
Renewable energy from wastewater derived microalgae
Queensland Urban Utilities
An integrated research and education program in water, waste and energy within Australian agricultural industries
Assessment of smouldering as an efficient and low-cost alternative for management of agricultural solid wastes
Australian Meat Processor Corporation
Anaerobic membrane bioreactors: in vessel technology for high rate recovery of energy and nutrient resources.
Meat & Livestock Australia
Nutrient recovery from agri-industrial wastewater
Australian Meat Processor Corporation
Anaerobic treatment for emission reduction from solid manure residue
National Health and Medical Research Council
Enhanced energy recovery through anaerobic co-digestion in the Australian industry
Investigating water reuse and recycling opportunities in agriculture
Australian Meat Processor Corporation