Municipal Organic Solids

Municipal organic solids include commercial and residential food waste, garden organics, and sewage biosolids, and when disposed of in landfills, result in greenhouse gas emissions and loss of landfill capacity.

Biosolids have been effectively treated on-site and reused beneficially in Queensland, and the remainder of Australia, with ACWEB delivering research on enhanced biosolids treatment processes for over 20 years, including participation as a core member in the Transforming Biosolids ARC training centre.

We are now leveraging this expertise in researching novel thermal, biological, and chemical processes for the rapidly emerging area of food organics and garden organics (FOGO), transforming these to energy and valuable products.


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Key Capabilities

  • Biochemical, physical, and thermal treatment 

  • Chemical and thermal characterisation, including calorific value

  • Sustainable management of organic solids, including carbon capture