This project was developed to investigate the use of microalgae from a wastewater industry perspective at the industry partner Urban Utilities.

Project Outcomes

To date this work has developed three major research areas for the use of microalgae from a wastewater perspective. This initial work has been used to seek additional funding for additional projects to further develop the use of microalgae in wastewater treatment.

Funding outcomes from this work include:

  • CRC-P project: titled, transforming regional treatment with robust technology
  • Advance Queensland Industry Fellowship, titled, the use of algae bacterial flocs for wastewater remediation.
  • ARC Industry Fellowship. Titled "Circular Economy", via renewable energy and resource recovery

Other outcomes

  • Pilot scale and microalgae culture facility at Urban Utilities Luggage Point treatment plant
  • Demonstration scale Plant in the Northern Territory
  • Large-scale demonstration algae system at Urban Utilities Helidon treatment plant Lockyer Valley, Queensland
  • Several patents are currently being investigated.
  • 2024 UQ Early to Mid-Career Industry Engagement award winner
  • 2021 winner of the AWA Queensland Branch R&D excellence award for Urban Utilities algae program 
  • 2017 Finalists in the AWA Queensland Branch for Queensland Urban Utilities algae program 


  • Alvi, M., French, T., Cardell-Oliver, R., Keymer, P., Ward., A. (2022) Cost effective soft sensing for wastewater treatment facilities. IEEE Access 10: 55694-55708 
  • Alvi, M., Batstone, D., Mbamba, C.K., Keymer, P., French, T., Ward, A., Dwyer, J., Cardell-Oliver, R. (2023).  Deep learning in wastewater treatment: A critical review. Water Research, 245: 120518 
  • Herold, C., Ishika, T., Nwoba, E.G., Tait, S., Ward, A.J. Moheimani, N. (2021), Biomass production of marine microalga Tetraselmis suecica using biogas and wastewater as nutrients. Biomass and Bioenergy, 145: 105945 
  • Musa, M., Ward, A. J., Ayoko, G. A., Rösch, C., Brown, R., Rainey, T. J. (2020), Single-step dynamic dewatering of microalgae from dilute suspensions using flocculant assisted filtration, Microbial Cell Factories, 19:222
  • Musa, Mutah, Ayoko, Godwin A., Ward, A. J., Misch, C., Brown, R. J., and Rainey, T. J. (2019). Factors Affecting Microalgae Production for Biofuels and the Potentials of Chemometric Methods in Assessing and Optimizing Productivity. Cells 8 (8).

Project members

Professor Damien Batstone

Centre Director, ACWEB
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology

Associate Professor Paul Jensen

Associate Professor
Australian Centre for Water and Environmental Biotechnology

Ms Holly Stolberg

Research Scholar

Dr Shakil Ahmmed

Postdoctoral Research Fellow & Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Australian Centre for Water and Environmental Biotechnology