The University of Queensland and Urban Utilities have signed a five-year strategic alliance agreement to establish a sustainable industry research delivery platform.
UQ’s Australian Centre for Water and Environmental Biotechnology (ACWEB) and Urban Utilities have a decades-long research partnership, and this new alliance has formalised the long-standing relationship.
The alliance seeks to accelerate and realise world-class research and enable increased adoption of new research and technology within the water industry.
The agreement covers a range of activities including utilisation of the Urban Utilities Luggage Point Innovation Precinct, student placements, joint projects, and knowledge sharing between Urban Utilities and the University of Queensland.
UQ’s representative for the Alliance, Associate Professor Shihu Hu, said the industry partnership has already delivered excellent translational research works.
“Our collaborative projects have won the last five Australian Water Association Queensland Research Innovation Project Awards, and these projects have one thing in common – all of them did pilot scale demonstration at Urban Utilities’ Luggage Point Innovation Precinct,” said A/Prof Hu.
“We currently have more than ten ongoing projects that fall under this alliance, and we hope that they too will develop into award winning research outcomes.
“The research projects conducted at the Urban Utilities Luggage Point Innovation Precinct will be able to test and demonstrate novel water technologies in pilot scale in real world conditions, which is a critical step before technology adoption and commercialisation.”