IWES 2021 Program Wrap-up

11 Oct 2021

Nine courses ran across the 2-week period form September 27-October 08, 2021:

  • Applied Statistics for Water and Wastewater
  • Best Practice Drinking Water Quality Management
  • Biosolids Treatment and Management
  • Corrosion and Odour Management in Sewers
  • Emerging Chemical & Microbial Concerns in Water
  • Membrane Plant Design and Operation
  • Principles of Wastewater Treatment
  • Regional Wastewater Treatment
  • Wastewater Chemistry.

Of the 120 attendees, 74% of attendees were undertaking their first IWES course, with rest returning for a second or even third time.

Some of the feedback we received:
​"The presenters were excellent. All clearly knew their stuff and were eager to share their knowledge & expertise. They created a supportive, 'safe' learning environment (ie. no question's too stupid)."

“Support staff were excellent and assisted with any technical enquiries. Presenters were all passionate about the topic and open to providing assistance. While it would be fantastic to receive this type of training in person and have opportunities to ask further questions of presenters and fellow industry participants, the online training was great and allows for flexibility for those with limited time to travel (even in non-COVID circumstances).”

“The mix of theory and practice was well presented, the content was very useful but the real-life examples & industry knowledge was what really made it great.”

Our 2022 IWES program begins with two online courses in February, followed by a returning to face to face learning with our traditional Gold Coast event scheduled for 18-22 July 2022.
